IRS Certified Letter or NYS Tax Notice? [ Must Know ] FAQs

By Charles Rosselli, Tax Attorney

Below you will find what the certified IRS letter or NYS tax notice that you received means to you.

However, the bottom line is that when you receive a certified letter from the IRS or New York Tax Department is that you will have only a certain amount of time to take action to entire resolve or appeal an action or decision. 

Do not procrastinate if you have received a certified tax notice as time is of the essence.

If you need assistance with a New York State tax problem or an IRS problem, contact our office to see if we can be of help. We can assist you regardless of location.

IRS or NYS Tax Problem? 7 [ Must Know ] FAQs

Experienced IRS & NY tax attorney Charles Rosselli gives you valuable tips and strategies so that you do not get taxing advantage of by the IRS, NY Tax Department or a so-called tax resolution firm. 

531 T  Notice of Deficiency

If you received an IRS certified letter, it usually means one of three things : you are being audited ; you are going to levied ; or a federal tax lien is being filed against you. 

IRS mail, especially an IRS certified letter, cannot be ignored because if you do not respond within the timeframes set in the letter, you will have lost your rights to appeal the IRS proposed action.

The IRS does not have to bring you to Court and obtain a judgment against you in order to take action against you.

Rather, the IRS certified letter is the only legal action that needs to be taken in order to levy your bank account or levy your wages. 

The only requirement that the IRS has is to send the certified letter to your last known address.

If you moved to a new address; if the mail "got lost," or if you failed to pick up or open the IRS mail, it doesn't matter.

The IRS has met the legal requirement to take the necessary actions.

Each IRS collection notice is a warning to you as to the next step that the Internal Revenue Service is going to take with respect to the collection of your back taxes.

Similarly, if you have received a notice from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, the notice pertains to an assessment or change in your tax returns.

A certified letter from the IRS of NY Tax Department may afford you certain rights under strict timelines. 

Here are some of the codes on the IRS notices and what they mean:

You will likely receive this IRS collection notice after an IRS audit is finished.

You have 90 days to go to Tax Court or you can hire a tax attorney to negotiate a possible tax settlement with the Internal Revenue Service.

This letter may come certified mail from the IRS. 


4549 Income Tax Examination Changes

If after your tax audit, you owe a back tax liability to the IRS, form 4549 will show what deductions or other items the IRS did not allow on your income tax return.

The IRS will also include what penalties and interest you owe based upon the changes.

At this point, either you or your tax lawyer has 30 days to respond to the income tax examination changes.

3254 Examination Appointment

Unfortunately, you are being audited by the IRS.

 Audits are often caused by certain deductions that are “red flagged” by the IRS.

If you are facing a tax audit, the tax lawyers of the Tax Problem can provide you with the IRS help you through the difficult process of a tax audit.

688-D Release of Levy

Many of our clients call us when there is a bank levy or IRS wage garnishment in place.

At this point, we have to take action quickly to enter into a tax settlement with the IRS so that we can get the IRS levy released.

If you need help determining the best strategy to resolve a certified letter from the IRS or other tax matter,  the Long Island tax lawyers of the Tax Problem Law Center can protect you and advise you of your rights.

CP 14 Notice of Unpaid Taxes

A CP14 Notice of Unpaid Taxes lets you know how much in income taxes you owe and for how long you have owed the taxes.

At this point, it would be a good idea to a seek the advice of tax attorney to explore your tax resolution options if you cannot pay the back tax liability in full.

CP 504 Notice of Intent to Levy

This IRS collection notice often gets the attention of many people who may have ignored the prior notices.

If you do not pay the amount due immediately, the IRS will seize your NYS state tax or other state tax refunds and apply it to the tax liabilities that you owe.

 The IRS is getting more serious about getting your attention and they are very close to issuing a bank levy or wage garnishment.

  1058 Final Notice of Intent to Levy: IRS Certified Letter

At this point, all prior IRS notices have been ignored. If you haven’t responded by now, you will have your wages garnished and/or your bank account levied within 30 days from receipt of this notice.

The Final Notice of Intent to Levy may be an IRS certified letter.

This collection notice consists of information pertaining to what assets the federal government will levy to collect your back tax liability : bank accounts, property, wages, and retirement accounts are all fair game.

If you owe back taxes to the IRS or NYS, you need help determining what the best strategy is to resolve your back tax liabilities under the most favorable terms. 

Let's face it, if you call the IRS or NYS tax department of your own, you are at their mercy. You are unaware of the complicated tax laws that can help you solve your tax problem.


Every Day You Wait To Resolve Your Tax Problems...

  • Your interest and penalties will increase every single day.
  • Your chances of having your wages garnished go up.
  • Your chances of having your bank account levied goes up.
  • You run the risk of the IRS or NYS seizing  your cars, house, or other property.
  • Your run the risk of an IRS Revenue Officer showing up at your home.
  • Your run the risk of a New York Tax Agent showing up at your home

Permanently Resolve Your IRS or NY Tax Problem Today